13 Februari 2008

Curiculum Vitae

Sex : Male
Place, date of birth : Samarinda, May 28th 1966
Religion : Moslem
Material status : Married
Address : Jalan Semeru 1 Sedogan
Yogyakarta 55581
Phone : 0274-885274,
Mobile phone : 081328737146, 0274-7470799
Facsimile : 0274-889316
Email : tomyhendrawanto@yahoo.com

Formal Education :

  • 2001 graduated from AKTA IV Open University
  • 1991 graduated from Economic Faculty of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta for specification on Management
  • 1984 graduated from Bopkri 2 Senior High School Yogyakarta
  • 1981 graduated from Negri 8 Yunior Middle School Yogyakarta
  • 1978 graduated from Negri Gambiranom Elementary School Sleman Yogyakarta

  • 2001 Urban Proverty Project held by Yogyakarta Provinsi
  • 1996 Public Relation held by Abhiseka College of Bussines Admnistration Yogyakarta
  • 1996 Technic Presentation Effectif held by Abhiseka College of Bussines Admnistration Yogyakarta
  • October 9 – 25 th 1995 Young Enterpreneurship professional held by Depnaker DI Yogyakarta and UGM Yogyakarta
  • 1992 Children Quran Teaching held by AMM Kotagede Yogyakarta
  • 1992 Children Lecture Coordinator held by SPA Yogyakarta

  • December 2 – 4 th, 2001, Bandung Religion Education Metodologi for Pre School Children held by YPM Salman ITB Bandung and Religion Departement RI

  • December 10th, 1995 The Strategic of Marketing Plus 2000 Conceptual Framework for Comperative – Audit, Strategic Formulation and Capability – Enhancement by Hermawan Kartawijaya and Yasika Broad Station Yogyakarta
  • May 7th, 1994 Regional Seminar “How To Manage And Count Zakat” held by Economic Faculty UII Yogyakarta
  • January 8th, 1994 , Yogyakartra, Succses Strategy of Young Moslem Generation in PJPT II held by Institute of Management and Computer Indonesia


  • May 20th, 1995, Yogyakarta, Inter Integration Investor With Undeveloped Village Community held by Research and Profetion Develeopment Institute of Cakra Mataram

    Job Experience
  • Since 2002 as a Directur of CV Galuh Lazuardi to manage Phone Shop, Ticketing, Waterpurifier Depot, Loundry.
  • 1998 –1999 as a Assistant Manager LPMI Unggul Pasopati Purwokerto
  • 1996 as a Staff Marketing on Syariah Banking Institute Yogyakarta
  • 1995 –1997 as a Manager Indonesia Australia Association to manage English Training
  • 1993 – 1994 as a Marketing on Rumpindo Computer System Yogyakarta
  • 1992 – 1997 on Ulil Albab Group the last position as a Eksekutif Directur to manage Study Institute, Language Institute, Computer Training, and Computer Hardware Software Selling
  • 1992 – 1996 on LPA Budi Mulia the last position as a Director to manage Quran study for children and women.
  • 1989 – 1999 as a Madrasah Dinniyah Darul Muttaqin Sleman Sekretary
  • 1989 – 1991 as a Marketing of Batik Home Industri Pekalongan

    Lecture Experience
  • 2003 – 2005 on Tosindo SolusindoYogyakarta.
  • 2003 on STAINS JEM
  • 2002 – 2005 on Profesional Bisnis Indonesia Yogyakarta
  • 2000 – 2003 on LPK Gama Informatika Yogyakarta
  • 2000 – 2002 on Java Utama Yogyakarta
  • 2000 - 2002 on IPPI Yogyakarta
  • 2000 on Compucare Yogyakarta
  • 2000 on PGTKI Bina Insan Mulia Yogyakarta
  • 1999 – 2000 on Unikom Yogyakarta
  • 1998 – 2003 on Salemba Bussines School Yogyakarta
  • 1998 – 2000 on LPMI Unggul Pasopati Yogyakarta and Purwokerto
  • 1997 – 2003 on LPBI Gajah Mada Informatika Group
  • 1996 – 2000 on AKKMI, IKMII, ICBI
  • 1992 – 1997 on Ulil Albab Computer
  • 1992 – 1997 on LBB Ulil Albab

    Subject of lecture :
  • Accounting
  • Achievement Motivation Training
  • Dac Easy Accounting
  • Enterprenuership
  • Finance Management
  • General Ledger
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Phisco Test for Job Hunting
  • Public Relation
  • Salesmanship

  • September – November 2007 as a Fasilitator on Mild Recovery Earthquake Yogyakarta joint with Sleman Goverment location on Sumberarum Moyudan Sleman
  • August, 15th 2007 as a Trainer on National Training for Nasari Cooporation Manager at Yogyakarta
  • May – September 2006 as a Voluenteer on Earthquake Recovery Yogyakarta joint with JIAVE - ICMI – SPA Yogyakarta.
  • 2001 on SPA Fondation as a Economic Director, how to create bussines divition.
  • 2001 as a Consultant on Griya Mandiri Fondation to give consultation for urban community of settlement
  • 2000 as consultant how to accounting computeritation on PT Surya Sarana Utama; PT Arga Surya Alam Perkasa dan Empu Jaya Furniture
  • 1999 associate with PT Telkom to manage Phone Shop
  • 1997 – 2000 as a Distributor Mie Tjutjut and Lukol Glue on DI Yogyakarta and Central Java from PT Inti Industri Bandung
  • to create BMT Sparta, the last positition as a secretary
  • Since 1982 as Board of Takmir Masjid Darul Muttaqin Fondations Banteng 3 Sleman Yogyakarta, the last posisitin as a fondation secretary.

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